Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Medicinially Speaking

Welcome to our new blog!  We appreciate you stopping by.  We here at Medical Weed Man want our blog to be a place of great information and resources for you, along with information and new product and all things....well... "Medicinally Speaking".

Just to start things off here is the link to the Ohio Medical Marijuana Resource Website.


The Ohio (.gov) site is a great place to get started.

We are going to post a few times a week with lots of information, links and articles.

If you have any questions or want information about a specific topic or product and are having difficulty - just drop us a note on our website or message us through FaceBook and we will try and get the answers and/or information for you.

So, check back everyday and head on over to our new FaceBook page as well and get signed up for our email, texts and newsletter as well.


Thanks so much!

Until Later,
-the MEDICALWeed Man